Your Solar Plexus
Your solar plexus chakra is yellow and located a few inches above your navel.
This is your will power chakra, this is where your self confidence comes from, you may notice the flutter of butterflies here from time to time.
Think of it as your personal power pack, yes you are a superhero! This is helping you to achieve what you set out to do, your healthy ego is knowing what you want to accomplish and going for it. If you want your heart chakra to be open you need to a strong solar plexus, this means setting boundaries and not getting tangled p in other peoples problems, you don't want to get drained.
This is thechakra that effects teenagers so strongly when they start to experiment with their identity and move into adult life.
Not surprisingly this is in charge of your gut intuition, hence the butterflies, the knowing when something is wrong, and the utter excitement of buying a house or marrying your sweetheart.
Think of it as the "I love me" chakra, your personal power of laughter, joy and anger.
Try rubbing myrrh, elevation or diluted oregano on your tummy and see how you feel.
When your solar plexus is working properly you are full of energy, nothing is an effort and you get lots done.
You are organised, you are focused, you don't think about doing things like going to the gym, you do it!
You have a positive attitude, you believe in what you do, you love your job and you work hard.
Your core belief gives you a quiet self confidence and a positive outlook, it may be located in your tummy but it gives you a clear brain to make decisions easily.
When it is in balance you can feel like superwoman, or superman, but when it isn't...
You may feel instead like a drippy doormat or just turn into a workaholic.
It is all good, we have some tools to help with these.
Lets find your spark and reboot your energy, if you are already feeling anxious, then take things slowly.
Start focusing on the colour yellow, the sun, the leaves in autumn, lemons, sunflowers, daffodils in spring, hay, beeswax candles, a brand new yellow pencil or a yellow book, wear some yellow clothing, maybe make a little altar of yellow things to remind you.
Eat lots of yellow food, eggs, cheese, custard, polenta, bananas, lemons, capsicum, corn, tomatoes, zucchini and their flowers, beans, potatoes, beetroot saffron, oats, ginger, quinoa, sage, maybe put some lemon oil in your water.
Check your posture, are you sitting with a straight back, try the superwoman pose! Everytime you light a match or a candle you are working with your solar plexus, have you ever noticed that sometimes you just need to light every candle in the house?
Relax in a nourishing bath, 4 drops bergamot and wild orange with 1/2 cup epsom salts, light some candles, play some soft music and relax.
Make sure you have set some personal boundaries, you don't have to answer the phone or open the door.
Focus on your self worth and identity, use black pepper, clove, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, lime, mandarin or spearmint.
Harmonise with the musical note 'E' say O like hop.Use oils to support you like ddr prime, citrus bliss, cypress, ginger, cedarwood and lime.Try doing some yoga like standing bow pose or full boat pose.
Carry crystals, citrine, amber, tigers eye, yellow jasper, lemon quartz and sunstone for strengthening.
For an over used root chakra try amethyst or light purple fluorite.
If you are mediating or doing yoga, use some mudras, your solar plexus chakra is all about the Hakini Mudra, place your hands in the nudra position over the solar plexus and create a blanacing vortex. This mudra improves concentration and relieves stress.
Hugs Nic x